Common Conditions
Conditions Types
Having flat feet, or a low arch, is probably the most common concern. It is important to realise that this isn’t always an issue that needs treatment, however, if you are experiencing some pain in your feet or legs then it may be worthwhile seeing your specialist podiatrist. Having a full biomechanical assessment can determine whether your flat feet are the cause or a contributing factor and an individual treatment plan will get you back to your feet quicker than if left untreated.
Heel pain is to a podiatrist what tooth ache is to dentist. It is one of the most common causes of pain in adults and children alike, yet there are many causes. A full assessment will diagnose and determine the cause of your pain. A treatment plan will then be implemented to fit in with your lifestyle and goals to get you back to your feet as soon as possible and enjoying life.
This is a very common problem that can strike anyone at any age. It is usually caused by attempting to cut your nails too short or by cutting down the side of your nail. If you are experiencing any redness or swelling around your toe nails then book yourself in immediately to get assessed as this can progress into an infection.
High arched feet can lead to a number of conditions and injuries, particularly in active individuals. The forefoot (ball of the foot) tends to cop most of the pressure while the rearfoot and ankle is also a common injury site. A full assessment of your injury coupled with a biomechanical assessment will get your treatment plan implemented as quickly as possible.
Numbness, tingling or burning feet are the most common symptoms of nerve pain and diabetic neuropathy in the feet. The underlying cause would need to be established in a consultation where a series of tests will be carried out to determine the extent of damage. If you are a diabetic, it is advised that you have an annual diabetic foot assessment carried out, as you would with your eyes, to identify and prevent any risk of complications.
Corns and callus arise from pressure on the foot. Most commonly this is caused by footwear but can also be caused by a change in the bony structure of the foot such as bunions or hammer toes. It is important to address the underlying cause in the treatment plan, as well as remove the corn itself. This is a carried out in a general consultation and does not require any local anesthetic.